Boss Babe mindset...
“For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” (Ephesians 2:10)
So I have always wanted to run my own business and I've tried different outlets. I've even had folks tell me that I will never be successful in my own business. It honestly is what strives me to continue to push to be better at what I do. I currently sell on 5 platforms, I sell from an MLM (*I wouldn't be where I am because of it), I also sell at other markets. I am currently in the process of finding a stand-alone building so that i can actually have my own shop someday.
I have had more support from strangers than I have from family and to be honest, that is ok. It gives me that push that I need to be successful in life. I won't give up and want to be successful in life and be able to do what I want. If there is one thing I have learned in this life since being my own boss it's that I have to believe in myself and that I have to continue to push myself to be better. I can't depend on others to make me happy. I have to do what makes me happy.
"Passion is what you do, Purpose is why you do it
Passion is about your own interest, Purpose is about other peoples interest
When you use your Passion in the service of others, it becomes your purpose" - Lady Boss Blogger
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